Energy detected.
Could the source be in range?
What message will the data hold?
Bandwidth to system limits
Gain control to manual
Receiver tuned for maximum deflection
Quantization to 16 bit
Sample rate to Nyquist/Shannon
Buffer depth set to disk capacity
Capture proceeding…………complete
Format converted from I&Q
Filter off
Window to rectangle
Message from Processor: Modulation unknown
AM spectral now in view, rate revealed.
Phase locked on carrier
Binary conversion in process:
Data frame set
Conversion to ASCII complete
Fruits of my labor now revealed:
A crummy commercial.
This is terrible.
Your lack of understanding the demodulation process coupled with not seeing the movie "Christmas Story" is forgiven due to your age.
All My best -- ihero
I've seen 'A Christmas Story' plenty of times, unlike this lack literary talent. Or is this stream of consciousness? Which, of course is forgiven just like free verse poetry and terrible rap.
It is whatever you want it to be -- but if you've seen the movie Contact -- it is describing a process to discovery that ends up being a big joke, and when you have to explain it all cause someone calls it "terrible" it takes all the fun out of it. Sorry you weren't amused, please go be a literary jerk somewhere else.
I didn't realize there was required watching material for reading this blog. Apparently feedback is not welcome though it was otherwise mentioned it was enjoyed.
Calling "this is terrible" feedback is indeed accurate. Thanks.
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